Thursday, October 28, 2010

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"As a witness, I am responsible for that truth should not be silenced"

This event promises to be a very multireportage-conference following the "inconvenient truth, solidarity and reflection on indigenous peoples," Raffaella Milandri to be held October 31 in Ascoli Piceno.
"It 's an incredible journey that touches on various indigenous and human rights
fierce discrimination as well as real genocide. For those who participate will be like being an eyewitness of my experiences in solitary," says Milandri.

This meeting with the photographer and humanitarian activist for human rights of indigenous peoples
Raffaella Milandri is a small review of inconvenient truths collected during his travels in solitary in fact tribal. Photos, videos and interviews denounce situations that have been reported to the Commission for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination UN.

Through media and social networks the Milandri launches appeals, collecting signatures and letters of complaint sent to Presidents and Ministers from different countries, including Sonia Gandhi.

The event, organized by the Lions Club Ascoli Piceno Urbs Turrita and especially by the President Marisa Cozza.รจ for October 31, 2010 17:30 Ascoli Piceno, in the Hall Docens Piazza Roma 6, on the occasion there will be ceremony for the award of scholarship "Simona Orlini. A poem by Andrea Cacciavillani, Molise poet and writer, was composed
in solidarity with indigenous peoples and will be interpreted by the artist Edward Vecchiola.
The event, thanks to its special humanitarian relief, will be reported by the National Office Against Racial Discrimination of Milistero for Equal Opportunity.

by Native Americans, Aboriginal Australians, the Amazonian Indians, the Bushmen of the Kalahari, the adivasis of India and many other ethnic groups, these indigenous peoples are brothers to share a story tragically similar.

ancient culture, rooted in their ancestral lands, languages, traditions and unique heritage site. Whenever in these lands, so far, is found an ore-mining gold, diamonds, bauxite, coal-or oil-a resource to be exploited, forests, the destruction begins, the cancellation, the persecution of these peoples in the name of "progress." During this

multireportage, among other peoples, will be discussed in particular the Bushmen of the Kalahari, forcibly removed from their lands due to diamond mines, on the basis of a statement in October 2010, showed a surplus of € 22 million into the coffers of Botswana. "The Bushmen are threatened with extinction, the stakes are too high," says Milandri and adds: "This will multireportage in programming and in some Italian cities available for further dissemination in schools and associations: as a witness, I am responsible for that truth should not be silenced "

" Only information can save us "this is the message simple and effective way to Kumta Majhi, a tribal leader in Orissa, which is contained in an appeal released by the photographer.

Milandri The recently adopted symbolically by the Crow tribe, Native Americans,
organizes his travels solo preferably off-road,
here is the link to a movie on Raffaella Milandri:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Make Mochi With Food Processor

Photo Hot Girls - Amateur

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Miss Sit Mandolin - Photos! More Blondes and

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Is It Ok To Put Refridgerator In Closet

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Stacy White

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Why Do Black People Have Yellow Sclera

Felicita Mac Fertridge in Lingerie!

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

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The science of decision Berthoz

I think the decision is a fundamental property of the nervous system, and that the ability to make complex decisions, to act, is due to a change in the organization of all stages of the system, not just the appearance of forms in the frontal cortex. The brain does not decide in function of the absolute value of the gratification, but in terms of subjective value, the difference between what was expected or desired and what you get. [...] The idea that I propose, sees the brain as part of the world, which has internalized the property, it mimics some, but referring to his own ends, a brain that constructs the external world by projecting it into the perceptions, desires, intentions. It simplifies the world according to their choices, only perceive what we want to hear. For example, create a regular series of stimuli in the case. This identification is required to regularly and unconscious, as it does not mean no effort of attention. The brain just does not simulate is an emulator that creates the world as in dreams. [...] Represents a series of scripts. [...] The theory states that the Rolls-way cortical processing of sensory data are protected from any interference of emotion to a very elaborate stage perceptive analysis. This stage would be when you create perceptual invariants [...] The emotion in this approach, involved adding - as required by the theory of somatic markers of Damasio - a value, in the broadest sense of the word, this perception rebuilt. By contrast, pathways discovered by LeDoux court can quickly trigger a repertoire of behaviors essential for survival - such as running away, aggression, submission. [...] The brain would thus providing at least two mechanisms, apparently different. One, appeared early in evolution and related to survival, is quick. In this case the decision is the result of close cooperation and obligations between emotion and perception. [...] The other appeared more late in evolution. Requires a complex information processing of the senses, but, above all, is the projection of intentions, depends on the past, the history of the individual and social group culture.
[...] How to reconcile these two viewpoints? Through the concept of heterarchical decisions - decisions are made at all levels, and each level influence the preceding and following it - and changing the concept of brain function. Instead of considering only the emotion as a reaction, you should consider a means of preparing for action. Emotion is a tool for decision, is a powerful means of prediction of a brain that anticipates and designs their intentions. [...] The emotion in particular activate the mechanisms of selective attention, and instead would lead to a distortion of the perceived world, a selection of the objects perceived or neglected in the world, profoundly alter the relationship between memory and the perception of this . The emotion, guide attention, would be a perceptual filter [creative]. [...] The main function of the brain is to predict the consequences of the action in light of the results of past actions, the memory is used primarily to predict the future, not only to remember it. So you decide to provide a range of future consequences of actions, but also assess the relevance in relation to the experience of actual reality (p. 370 et seq.)
Despite theories that see in the e-motion only the preparation of the body into action, rushing upon something that is ex, Berthoz Sartre takes the definition of that emotion: "It is a transformation of the world. When the paths laid become too difficult or when we see no way, we can not stay in a world so compelling and so difficult. All roads are barred, and yet we must act. Then we try to change the world, that is to live it as if the relations of things with their potential were not governed by deterministic processes but by magic. " [...] The use of magic is important for Sartre, all the emotions "contribute to the creation of a magical world, using our body as a means of charm," [as creative filter] (p. 63).

From "The Science of Decision" (2004).

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The somatic marker Damasio

The evolution seems to have assembled the brain mechanisms of emotion and feelings orders of magnitude. First is the mechanism to produce reactions to an object or an event, geared towards the object itself or the circumstances: The mechanism of emotion. Then comes the mechanism to produce a map of the brain and then a mental image - an idea - and the reactions of resulting state of the organism: the mechanism of emotion.
The first device, the emotion, allowed the agencies to respond effectively, though not creative, in many circumstances, as appropriate, could be favorable or threatening - conditions and positive and negative outcomes, respectively, for life. The second mechanism, that of feeling, he introduced a kind of mental alarm to detect good or bad circumstances, the impact of emotions and prolonged lasting effects on attention and memory. Eventually, in a fruitful combination with past memories, imagination and reasoning, feelings led to the emergence of the forecast and the ability to create new answers, not more stereotyped (p. 104).

[...] The emotional appeal of the signal performs important tasks. Implicitly or explicitly, it leads to focus on particular aspects of the problem and therefore improves the quality of reasoning. A clear signal will trigger automatic alerts in respect of options that probably would have negative results. A gut feeling may be advised not to take a step which in its time, has had negative consequences, and this even before our reasoning tells us: "Do not do it." But the emotional signal rather than activating the alarm, it can also push able to take a certain decision, because, in the history of the system, it has come to be associated with a positive outcome. In short, the signal in question make choices and outcomes and give them a positive or negative valence, which restricts the scope of the decision and the probability increases to bring the action this past action. Since, in one way or another, the signals about the body, I began to refer to these ideas as the somatic marker hypothesis.
signal emotional argument is not a substitute for real, but merely an auxiliary role, since it increases efficiency and speeds .. In some cases, can make almost superfluous, as happens, for example, when we reject an option that would lead immediately to a secure disaster or vice versa, seizing a good opportunity in terms of its high probability of success.
In some cases, the emotional signal can be very strong, and lead to partial reactivation of emotions like fear and happiness, followed by the appropriate feeling conscious of that particular emotion. This is the presumed mechanism of visceral perception, using what I called body circuit. On the other hand, the emotional signals can also operate in a more subtle way, and presumably, in most cases, that's how they carry out their function. First, it is possible to produce visceral perceptions without using the body really, but drawing from the circuit as himself. Secondly, then, is a most important fact, namely that the emotional signal can operate entirely sheltered from the radar of consciousness.
can produce alterations in working memory, attention and reasoning, so that decision-making is oriented towards the choice of action that, based on previous experience, are more likely to lead to the best possible outcome. The individual may have no knowledge of these transactions involved. Under these conditions, we intuit a decision and we in place, quickly and efficiently, without having any knowledge of the intermediate steps.
Our research group, among others, has accumulated substantial data to confirm these mechanisms. Their link with the body has been known for centuries to common sense. Often we refer to premonitions that guide our behavior in the right direction as to the viscera or heart. [...] The idea that emotions are inherently rational, although it has remained marginal, has a long history (p. 180-81).

From "Looking for Spinoza. Emotions, feelings and brain "(2003).

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Joseph LeDoux emotion of fear

1) Emotional states monopolize the resources of the brain [upward causation or via button-up]
fact, the emotional stimuli are among the most potent activators of the modular system. [...] In the presence of a threatening stimulus amygdala sends neural connections through direct feedback to the sensory areas of the cortex, stimulating these areas to keep attention focused on particular aspects of critical contextual stimulus [a. influence selective attention]. The feedback amygdaloid reaches other cortical areas involved in thinking and in the formation of explicit memories, stimulating them to produce particular thoughts and memories on the form special situation. [B. influence working memory]. In addition, the amygdala sends connections to activating systems, causing to release modulatory chemicals throughout the brain [c. active multimodal motivational systems]. Synapses actively involved in: a.
processing of the external world,
b. the activity of thinking about the world,
c. the formation of memories about it, [changing the plasticity of the brain],
d. amygdaloid receiving feedback, then
will be enhanced.
[...] At the same time, will manifest the bodily responses controlled by the amygdala, providing further information and then return to the brain, not only in the form of feelings that are part of the answer "felt" emotion, but also in the form of hormones that further influence synaptic activity, for a longer period of time also modulators. The end result is that an emotional arousal. spreads extensively within the brain and 2. perpetuated [circular]. [...] The arousal of an emotional state not only large part of the brain cognitive resources to this state, but will suspend the activities of other emotional systems. Consequently, learning is coordinated through systems in a very specific, which ensures relevance to the appreciation that you are making the emotional situation of the moment. (Pp. 445-47)
Learning is influenced by the emotions in at least two ways, by:
1. classical conditioning. It happens due to Hebb's law, that is due to facilitation of synaptic connections due to individual neurons excited repeatedly. Since the concurrent events, local area networks activity has grown internally and simultaneously connect more easily with the other simultaneously activated.
2. instrumental conditioning. The case for reinforcement, that is, with the help of an award. The cognitive percepts in values \u200b\u200bare associated with pleasant and unpleasant emotional evaluations, and was thus marked somatically, as Damasio would say.

2) Mobility descendant of thoughts coordination plasticity in parallel [Downward causation or via top-down]
If much of the responsibility of the assembly itself is largely due to automatic processes, but this is only part of the story. Convergent representations made in this way are also employed to direct the business processes in the opposite direction along with processing hierarchically organized. Thoughts and memories placed in working memory (LM), for example, can affect: a.
the way we see things,
b. the way we behave.
These executive control of working memory are made possible because the prefrontal cortex, like other areas of convergence, returns projections. In other words, the connections are sent back to the regions that provide afferent convergent. Pulling the right strings (pulling axons right), working memory is able to direct traffic within the areas with which it is connected, by enhancing the processing of stimuli relevant to the task in which it was committed and by inhibiting the processing of other stimuli. The process by which the mind can cause the brain to send out special orders is known as downward causation. [...] If a thought, [but conscious intent] is a pattern of neural activity in a network, not only can determine the activation of another network, but can also lead to a change and plasticity. [...] Mobility retrospective thinking is a powerful means by which it is coordinated in the plasticity of neural systems in parallel. [...] Entrusting such power to the thoughts, we can begin to understand how the way we think about ourselves can have important influences on how we are and who we become. The image of self is autoperpetuante (pp. 443-45). Then the image of the self
baseline due more to the influence of implicit motives button-up, can be made to interact with the image of self motivation as suggested by McCllelland. According to LeDoux, the finding remains the difficulty of harmonizing modular components making up the system of the brain, ie systems motivation, emotional and cognitive. In fact, our brain has evolved to such an extent that the new systems, which enable a complex thought, they can easily control the old systems that give rise to our basic needs and motives, as well as emotional reactions. This does not mean that we are completely at the mercy of our brains that we just have to yield to our impulses. It does mean that the downward causation is sometimes difficult. Not always do the right thing comes naturally from knowing what the right thing to do. In
conclusion, therefore, the self is supported by systems that operate either explicitly or implicitly. Through explicit systems we strive to affirm who we are intentional and how we behave. But only part we actually do so, since we have conscious access to imperfect emotional systems, which play a crucial role both in coordinating learning from other systems. Despite their importance, however, the emotional systems are not always active and only have an influence on what other systems episodic learning and memory. Moreover, as there are many emotional independent systems, the influence of episodic any system self-referral and the time is part of the overall impact that emotions have on the development of the self (pp. 149-50).

Taken from the "Synaptic Self. Such as ours makes us who we are "(2002)

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Johnson-Laird and communicative theory

The function of emotions is to prepare several courses of action or inaction. We are reacting more quickly than does the conscious reasoning. Make us more prepared emergency, but when the choke reasoning can make us more stupid. Communicate our mental states to others. Usually we are aware of a case of emotion, but we are never aware of the transition to an emotion. An emotion, usually, we are aware, and it may affect our intentional actions. However, when the intellect and emotion moves us in one direction to another, we have no way to defuse emotion. Sometimes even we can control our behavior (p. 140). The primary emotions are the biological basis of those complex emotions that seem characteristic of our species. The complex emotions associated with conscious inferences depend on the model we have of ourselves and often, with a comparison between alternatives or between events actually occurring is possible to imagine alternative stories in [...] So integrates a complex emotion emotional signal Elementary and conscious cognitive evaluation (p.130).

1) Emotions are communicative acts between members of the same species. These signals are innate and more or less stereotyped (see the facial expressions of Ekman). They are based more on emotion than on elementary complex also known as social. May be treated as warning signs, threats and subjugation of other social mammals. The interpretation takes place at an unconscious level by the specialized areas of the brain (pp. 124-25).

The brain has a hierarchical structure, and consciousness is like an operating system that exerts control over the modules, but may conflict with them. Some modules can communicate significant propositions or their models. But the communicative theory implies another form of internal communication, and evolutionarily more ancient elements: a small set of mutually exclusive signals that propagate from one module to another. They are simple signals. Such as facial expressions, they do not need to be interpreted, the use of working memory, because their meanings do not depend on the meaning of the parties. They are instinctive and distinctive. Of this type are bodily sensations like hunger or thirst, which depend on monitoring the internal environment. Even the basic emotions are signs like this: they travel from one part of the brain to direct attention, mobilize resources somatic innate, prepare an appropriate sequence of behaviors. The signal starts from a cognitive evaluation, which can produce a message or not conscious, and an important link in the chain is a transition to unconscious emotional signals.
emotional signals help us to coordinate goals and plans in relation to constraints such as time and intellectual resources. Turning points can arise in the implementation of a plan. Are a system of more flexible control of innate reflexes (eg, blink). At the same time are faster than conscious reasoning, because they have no need of working memory.
Typically, we are aware of both the signal is the message. [...] [But] the feeling may be unconscious cognition even if the message comes to conscience. [...] On the other hand, we may be unaware of the cognitive assessment, and feel an emotion, but with no idea of \u200b\u200bthe cause (pp. 126-27).
[...] The idea that there are two distinct channels of communication - the rapid signal the onset of an emotion and a slower cognitive message - was confirmed in the case of one of the primary emotions, fear. Joseph LeDoux, a prominent neuroscientist, has shown that the perceptual information to reach the amygdala, can follow two routes. One way is Quick links directly to the sensory thalamus - an intermediate station perceptual information - the amygdala. It does not pass through the bark, and therefore its signal is a result of gross cognitive analysis. The other way, the slower links the sensory thalamus to the amygdala via the cortex. The path followed by the message on the cognitive assessment. The relative independence of signal and message is confirmed by the clinical observations. (P. 129)

2) Emotions allow us to make decisions without getting lost in a maze of reasoning. The transition to an emotion generates a positive signal - to encourage us to persevere - or negative - To warn of impending danger. These reports instinctive, which Damasio calls somatic markers allow us to respond with an effort to reflect a minimum. (P. 132) That is, enter the ideoaffettiva assessment of an event, or better a fast categorization of experience on the basis of past emotional memory.

3) Often our actions move us [directly] to the action. But reasoning is still possible, and sometimes the reasoning is in conflict with the emotion. We conclude that action would be immoral or unwise. The solution of the conflict is an open solution: we can not predict. Behavior there is an element irreducible indeterminism. The strong feelings that arise in certain conditions are [often] inappropriate (p. 133). The central role of the orbital prefrontal cortex and to resolve such conflicts - whether between the cognitive modules between themselves and the cognitive and emotional - seems to be increasingly recognized.

From "Thinking and reasoning" (2008).

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In the minds of others. Mirror neurons and embodied simulation

1) visual cortex. Neurons in the visual cortex in vision
neurons are neatly arranged in columns sensitive to the orientation of stimuli and the eye stimulated.
Some columns are dependent on the right eye and is sensitive to horizontally oriented stimuli, others are linked all'occhidi left and take steps to vertically oriented stimuli. The columns are further organized in supercolonne, each of which encodes a specific point of the retina all possible orientations and all possible answers monocular and binocular. The set of
supercolonne provides the basis for image reconstruction in its entirety. Thanks to this organization, in fact, the characteristics of the objects identified by the different neurons are integrated into the higher visual centers (eg. The bottom of the temporal lobe). So, if those features from different neurons are part of a face, the temporal cortex reassembles for the sum and integration.
The collection of forms and signs recognized by neurons in the visual cortex as a whole, is a sort of repertoire that draws from the brain to analyze, interpret and reconstruct the images from the outside world (pp. 16-7).

2) The register of deeds.
motoneurons in the behavior of these neurons has begun to see the logic. The same neuron is activated for movements of different muscles, and the right hand, both the left and even the mouth, provided that the purpose motion is the same, on the contrary, two movements are very similar, for example the index finger, activated when a neuron has a specific purpose, but one neuron to another when they differ.
Even the manner in which the hand grasps an object due to activation of different neurons (p. 23). [...] Thus the sensory information coming from objects are intertwined and combined with the capabilities and capacity for action of the macaque, based on a common denominator: the order that the animal wants to achieve. Neurons that have involved both sensory and motor function, two factors cited in the classical conception of cognitive science were instead separate and independent. Those neurons develop pragmatic information that say nothing about the identity or the quality, but the animal interaction and driving him into a position to act (p. 24).
The collection of these neurons is the footage of the brain's motor acts, so called to distinguish them from purposeless movements, which do not activate motor neurons involved in direct actions to objects.

3) Mirror neurons (premotor cortex)
There are neurons that are activated when you do a certain action, is reflected when one observes the same action performed by others.
These neurons act as the motor neurons when activated by its own actions, and show their characteristics when they are activated in response to the same action performed by others. As the cousins \u200b\u200b
engines, also mirror neurons are activated each very specifically for some action. The aim of the others is therefore the key criterion by which these cells can be classified. In analogy with the motor neurons, in neurons-grab, tear and so on. [...]
For the first time, was identified as a neural mechanism that allows to directly merge the visual depiction of a share to its understanding and implementation. Understand in terms of neuronal action means that the brain has the ability, through the activities of its circuits of neurons, to obtain an internal description of an action and use it to plan future motor behavior (pp. 32-3). The activation of mirror neurons is not only transitive actions (direct object) but also for intransitive (no direct object).
► To what extent can push the capacity of abstraction of mirror systems in evoking action?
When we think of action, we read or look at the description, in our brain circuits are activated the same mirror. These circuits seem therefore play a key role in mentally represent actions, is that it should be noted, is that they evoke through sound processing (pp. 44-6).

4) The what and why of an action
► What we need to understand the actions of others? ►
The mirror mechanism has evolved to recognize only the actions of others or has more features?
Mirror neurons do not pick up on the basis of a specific type of stimulus - motor, auditory, visual - but when the animal is able to understand what others are doing regardless of the channel by which they perceive the actions.
But mirror neurons have an additional function. They can in fact to inform the viewer not only the action that one performs, but also because he is doing, that is, about his intentions. In particular, it recognizes the 'others' intention from the outset, ie from the first part of the action. Moreover, this intention from the start organizing all motor acts that compose it.
► How does this happen?
Through a simulation , though unconscious (automatic) inside. That means making an inference to the limit without any form of mental representation, ie by activating neuronal maps only. To sum up, mirror neurons are able to read other people's movements in both the objectives, is the motivation behind it. ►
By what criteria they choose their own movements rather than those others?
The animals usually use a small part of the repertoire of movements available to achieve the same goal, choosing those that are best suited to perform that specific action. Thus, the policy seems to be the presumed intention, codified in chains of neurons, and then moves that are best placed and most likely, according to a given context, to produce a fluid , 's action needed to achieve a particular goal rather than another.
► What happens instead when I look an action that does not belong to my repertoire acquired?
Overall, the data collected so far indicate that primates, human or otherwise, recognize and understand the actions of other neurons through two mechanisms, one that somehow manages to match the observed action with the action to follow, 'other based on reasoning or on higher-order cognitive processes. The first pair may be because the two moments of observation and execution, probably have two "molds" which are very similar, or at least fail to agree upon a common ground: that the meaning of the action.
Note: From this point, we speak only of the human mirror neurons, but so far it was intended to both.

5) The identification human
► How do humans understand the emotions of others.
There are more possible ways.
a) One of these passes through cognitive processing of emotion and logic of others: for example, if we look at a person moved, one can imagine the feeling that this person is trying through rational deduction, but does not make us live the same feeling.
b) Or the emotional state of a person can find a direct correspondence in the observer. In this case, the observer feels the same emotion of the person observed, There is talk of empathy . There is therefore a mechanism that allows us to understand the emotions of others once again living within us. This mecca mechanism is very similar to the one that controls the understanding of actions and intentions, in both cases of a mirror mechanism. We humans are therefore able to feel sensations and emotions of others through a mirror mechanism which is capable of restoring and activating a kind of mold in our emotional brain cortex. The mirror neuron system in human beings has thus proved to be a network of brain mechanisms evolved sophisticated, located in different cortical areas: the recognition of actions and intentions is in the inferior frontal gyrus and inferior parietal lobe , while the identification of the observation face of pain and disgust involve mainly the cortical areas calls anterior insula and rostral cingulate .
► What is fake?
The animals seem to be unable to imitate the limit one can speak of:
a) automatic imitation, a kind of response facilitation . A bird flies, the nearby makes the same movement. The movement of the first animal work, probably only release signal of an action that is useful for example for the survival of flock. But this action is not required to understand the action (how), or of his reason (why).
Even among human beings are abundant examples of imitation automatic and involuntary, which we could classify as facilitation of response. They include, in addition to yawning, laughter, tears and reproduction of involuntary facial expressions.
The fact remains that these cases are different from one another phenomenon that is imitation:
b) the response of a voluntary movement observed. In this case, means to imitate, in fact consciously perform an action after having seen a similar one made by another, a process that involves processing brain more complex than that required by automatic imitation. But we must distinguish two situations.
b1) We can play a note that we already know.
b2) Or we can perform movements that have never done before. Becomes more difficult to imitate. It also means the chance to learn new behaviors.
For students of animal behavior occurs only true imitation in this case.
Wolfgang Prinz noted that, as far as to imitate the action is similar to the model already in use, the more we are quick and precise. According to Prinz and his colleagues in our brains would seem to be a common code visual and motor that turns the immediate visual model of a movement in a motor act. According Rizzolati this replication mechanism of action seen might be attributed to the mechanism of mirror neurons.
► What happens when we perform an action for the first time, imitating someone who teaches us?
We see an example to imitate the agreements made by another on a guitar without knowing how to play.
During this task, the mirror neuron system has been particularly active during the observation gestures of others and during the break before the next, probably used to reprocess the movements to be performed. During the pause has also enabled further area, located in the frontal lobe, which was already known to be responsible for planning functions of movement and memory.
So imitation is likely that difficult in that mirror neurons seem to be involved.
More specifically, if it seems difficult that the images received are processed in the mirror neuron system, which produces an internal motor representation of the action. In particular, the visual representation is decomposed into its elementary components, which are borne out in segments already present in the repertoire of the brain's motor acts. The various segments selected by the mirror system are then assembled in the order required to enable the smooth execution of the harmonica and to learn. This assembly is made that air from the frontal lobe that we have seen active during the break between observation and action, when the student tries to be, internally, the agreement that has seen perform and then repeat. This reconstruction explains only part of the process of learning by imitation, which also involve other brain functions, such as attention, memory. In addition, there must be mechanisms to simultaneously inhibit the execution of the movement observed in these cases, limiting the brain activity in a simulated interior. [Conscious simulation latter process can be approached as running processes as self Damasio].

6) Conclusion
Without mechanisms mirror the world around us may seem incomprehensible as much as a planet populated by aliens, we could probably not have a social life and our survival would not be granted.

Paper "In the minds of others. Mirror neurons and social behavior, "James Rizzolati, Luisa Vozza, Zanichelli, Bologna 2008

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What Type Of Blue Cheese Is In Marzettis

Girls on the Beach!

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Anna Alba - Part 2

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Anna Alba - Part 1 Girl

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