Sunday, September 20, 2009

Irrevocable Trust California

Me and ...

In this blog I talked about San Remo, songs and singers ... now just a few hour examination and whatever happens I will keep my blog up to date because the music, communications and people who always take part our active life ...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

How To Tie Double Ring Belt


Blueprint Riding Knee High

Photography humanitarian

E 'was like when you try to put together the ingredients for a new recipe.
I mixed my feelings and instincts and passions and I tried to find the my way. Passion for photography, travel solo, for the people, for the problems of countries and cultures in constant pain. Innate curiosity. Strong feelings against injustice. A part of me then has amassed an enormous empathy for the indigenous and tribal peoples. The people in distress and suffering in their freedom, culture, identity: the Australian Aborigines, the Maori New Zealanders, Americans and Canadian Eskimos, the South African San, Tibetans and many others. In many cases
exiled to reserves, after killings, abuses and genocide. Now
tragically undermined by alcohol, AIDS, suicide. Often ignored for power and money on their lands usurped oil, gold, diamonds, uranium. At the end
I realized that what I really wanted was to make photography an instrument of humanitarian aid. I can not combine commercial and humanitarian: I prefer to donate a picture to obtain money for charity.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lindsay Lohan Car Flash

The comic SANREMO

No, sorry, I'm not going down. I'm not going to be down given the ecological message to Al Bano. So began the monologue
Beppe Grillo at the Sanremo Festival. The year was 1989 (festival won dall'inedita couples and Anna Oxa Fausto Leali, "I'll let you") and breathed a strange atmosphere around Italy's Tangentopoli it would come three years later, would be the year of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Romanian revolution and the visit of Gorbachev to the Vatican . A historic year. In which, however, in Italy, was held in Sanremo, almost irrinunciabile.E appointment, as it is essential this event, we can not miss the stage of the Ariston action comedy. Antonio Cornacchione are taking place this year - as anticipated -, Blacks Marcoré Flavio Insinna, Ficarra and Picone, Max Tortora.Quell 'year, that 1989, in San Remo was, in fact, Beppe Grillo. Here, what better way to relive a bit 'Amarcord, review together and think how much time has passed since then, it appears to us anonymously this year 2007, with almost no personality, than the dreaded end of the eighties?

Harley Davidson Crib Set


"That was my point of reference": no doubt Pippo Baudo, dean of Italian television, recalling Mike Bongiorno, who died last night at the age of 85 years. "This year - said Baudo - celebrating 50 years of TV and I thought of an evening with Mike, it would not make any sense to celebrate my career without him." "I started this job - he says Baudo - always watching Mike. Indeed, I was a kid in the bar of the province to follow "Double or nothing": the fact he has become something of a rival honors me. And the rivalry between us was always a big game: we joked, it was convenient to both, as he often said. In fact we have also become great friends, which did not happen so often with colleagues. "Pippo," Bongiorno was the big star of Italian television, has created the myth of Italian TV, and I do not want the other players. How did time "Double or nothing", so did his passing era of field: when he went to Channel 5 gave the imprimatur, with his stamp of authority, the new TV commercial. And then the recent switch to Sky, at his age he had embraced as a third youth, had spent so much, he wanted to be on the battlefield. "" The idea of \u200b\u200bhanging up his boots was not in his nature: it is enough think of physical injury or who have never had and that mortified her vitality. The passion for this job, we do because we love him very much - he concludes Baudo - is an incurable disease. " (ANSA)
you think there is an heir television mike??