Saturday, September 19, 2009

Blueprint Riding Knee High

Photography humanitarian

E 'was like when you try to put together the ingredients for a new recipe.
I mixed my feelings and instincts and passions and I tried to find the my way. Passion for photography, travel solo, for the people, for the problems of countries and cultures in constant pain. Innate curiosity. Strong feelings against injustice. A part of me then has amassed an enormous empathy for the indigenous and tribal peoples. The people in distress and suffering in their freedom, culture, identity: the Australian Aborigines, the Maori New Zealanders, Americans and Canadian Eskimos, the South African San, Tibetans and many others. In many cases
exiled to reserves, after killings, abuses and genocide. Now
tragically undermined by alcohol, AIDS, suicide. Often ignored for power and money on their lands usurped oil, gold, diamonds, uranium. At the end
I realized that what I really wanted was to make photography an instrument of humanitarian aid. I can not combine commercial and humanitarian: I prefer to donate a picture to obtain money for charity.


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