Friday, July 17, 2009

Incline Walking To Tone


Welcome to the 90s! The nineties, fired into the millennium, were the decade of many changes for the song event. Play-back was abolished, and the orchestras that accompanied the singers in the exhibition came again in vogue. Rivennero foreign singers on stage combined with fellow Italians, who brought in their own language patterns in the race. Also changed the juries were no longer those of recent years combined with the Totip of bettors. During the nineties changed once again, the foreign presence, which came back on stage just as foreign guests, the Orchestra was composed of 53 elements only force of renewal, which will be played live.
For the fortieth anniversary of the Festival, the event was moved to the mega structure Armea Valley, it was the (new flower market under construction) called Palafiori. It was considered a "madness" of the Patron Aragozzini Adriano, who managed to transform a large room empty, in a theater ready to collect five thousand people. The Patron was all against, saying he failed in that enterprise that seemed impossible, however, had to agree with him, in fact, invited and led, in the city of flowers, and songs, the great names of international music, and the event succeeded perfectly. The Italian song in recent years, traveled the world ...


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