Friday, July 17, 2009

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Welcome to the '70s!

editions of the "Festival di Sanremo" of the 70 were determined by several events, unpleasant and protest. "For example" the 1972 edition include the strike of the singers. The young people then, or rather, their musical tastes were different, the indifference to the singing competition was sanctioned by the most challenging music genres. These were the years of color television, in nightclubs and the spread of "Saturday Night Fever." Italian culture was in evolution, there was the feminism.
The crisis was felt in San Remo, over several years, the festival was no longer the national event, and television showed little interest, as did the general public. The decade, remained imprinted as the lowest, insignificant for the musical manifestations of those years.
In 1977 there was a change of venue. The song event moved from the Municipal Casino, the Ariston Theatre in Via Matteotti, and Television aired the first Festival in color.
In 1979 there was a great event in San Remo, with the presence of international stars like Tina Turner and Kate Bush.
were the dark years. The Festival of the 70, however, produced the world of music, great singers of the Italian song, like Lucio Dalla, and what about the combination Mogol-Battisti, Mina triumphs, even though they did not tender singing. The year 1970 saw the birth of the Ligurian "The Rich and Poor" after their participation in the festival by 70 and 71, in fact, the group became more popular of Italy.


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