Monday, February 28, 2011

Diablo 2 D2nt Bot Guide

Defects of the Persian

Saturday morning, we prepare a boiled dinner. The Persian, you know, eats only dry food and does not recognize the rest as food, except for the kebab spicy sauce, who knows what that awakens dormant atavistic instincts (an ancient Persian food?).
As he spreads the scent of boiled for home, however, we notice an unusual interest by the fur ball. Putting the meat in the pot here it is, in almost feline movements, jumping on a chair and stretched, nose quivering, after a few minutes of research, identifies the source of the scent. We are to respond to this momentary awakening under the fur of the cat: let us make him a taste 'of boiled meat, which discovers the existence of a whole culinary world independent of crunchy.
Easier said than done.
For Persian food is not habitual daily activities and relaxing, but a constant war against an elusive food. Devoid of face is, usually pushes the crunchy side of the bowl and then takes it from below when it falls. Maneuver complicated and unworkable with meat soggy and sticky. Not accustomed to receiving food from the hands, if he is offered, licks with delight, but do not try to grab it with his mouth. If the treat falls to the ground, it no longer status of food. She looks puzzled and then goes away. To taste something they need to have him raise his head up, make sure it has not only opened his mouth and pulled out the tongue and then gently lower a tiny piece, so it has time to distance themselves satisfied with the new flavor and bite . Five pieces of boiled, four fell to the ground.
We came to the conclusion that this beast will never spoil. It 's too hard for us and for him.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Shoulder Blades And Chest

Only A spoonful of sugar

being very prone to stress and paranoia, I have a whole series of remedies refined over time. The race as a physical outlet, writing for the mind. Sometimes, however, when the nights when you sleep just pile up, when if you put the computer for more than ten minutes you fall asleep, when to run would be tantamount to a kind of suicide, then takes the simple anti stress. The cakes are for that. Not (only) eat them, but also do it.
There must be something atavistic, written deep in the female genes, which means that when a salt pan on a sweet scent, the nerves relax and everything dies down and the two thousandth time someone swoops in at home ' Suddenly, you can not tear him to pieces, but accept it with a smile.
I'm not a great cook. I cheat. But that same satisfaction. Just so little, a compote of strawberries true (time preparation, 10 minutes) to put on the bottom of a glass transparent, over two layers of puddings of different colors (cream and cocoa, including those in the envelope) to garnish a fruit, a sprinkling of grated chocolate. Makes them feel self-satisfied. At peace with the world. And yet another unexpected guest (for various reasons in our house these days is a bit 'a sea port) can arrange comfortable couch. When he makes you compliments, you're even glad it's arrived (even if interrupted dinner, or a well-deserved rest).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ideas For Ice Skating Party

Visions - The Unknown Island

A stubborn girl, recently orphaned, convinced of being right. An alcoholic sheriff who seems indifferent to live or die. A ranger ambiguous on good faith that there is no evidence.
The Coens are confronted with the myth of a myth of western and western, that determination that won him the Oscar to John Wayne and have the courage to do it without throwing it in and play without anxiety of modernization. What scene is bring in a solid film, hard and snarling like his characters, lost souls in a ruthless world in search of those flashes of light (Grace of God?) That make life worth living.
The Grit is a film that works, the less cryptic but beautiful "Serius A Man", more compact than "No Country for Old Men." However there is something missing, something intangible and yet essential, because there really be a good western. Lacks the epic. A final part of the wonderful ride, that much of the firefight, is the true climax of the film, the characters speak (much), they fight, suffer and die without breathing the smell of the epic. I have no recipes, obviously, to indicate what and where you need to add in order to integrate the film with this ingredient. What is certain is that we have seen stories even dirtier and disenchanted (just to stay in the Western mind, for instance Unforgiven), which did you feel the epic dimension of the protagonists. This is not the case, and if they miss.

Score: 8 -

Friday, February 18, 2011

Look Alike Cardy Boots

Grit - Chapter 6

On Stories from the Thousand Worlds can find the first part of the sixth chapter of The Island Unknown in which Karis began to wonder about his past ...

This blog takes a few days off. I think I can post up in the middle of next week and then I can only wish a good weekend everyone!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Unexplained Pain In Left Thumb

Visions - Trinity Blood

Pippon So much of the meaning of the things I often do, sometimes it takes something truly disengaged, just to put the brain to the couch and leave it there a bit '. Then, when I discovered the existence of an anime with this name, I immediately thought of a "Da Vinci Code with the vampires, only to discover that they had not made me want to to look through.
The first thing that struck me was the sheer visual appearance. There is little to be done, the studio Gonzo, who produced this series, I like Trinity Blood and even if it is not their best product, it is still a great look.
just a few images to define a futuristic world, but not alien, is shocked by terrible disasters, but where Rome, Constantinople or London buildings and views still remain recognizable. Humanity is divided between ordinary people and Metusalem or vampires, creatures (human?) With a long life, intolerance to sunlight and a propensity for blood. Vampires are, however, like other living things and consider themselves the "real" humanity. Their empire is opposed by the Vatican was a very terrain power. E 'in the service of the Vatican that we find the AX, a sort of secret service formed by very specific religious, including Abel's father, a gentle man, clumsy almost embarrassing, but that hides the powers and unexpected knowledge.
So far so good. The problem arises with the continuation of the plot. Reading on the internet I discovered that Trinity Blood is drawn from a series of novels, later reduced to manga, then reduced to Anime. Here, it is impossible to reduce in a meaningful way a series of novels in 24 episodes of Anime. Without a cheatsheet is impossible to unravel the mystery of the origin of the vampires of the same or Abel or understand why the main character, when in form of Crusnik, sometimes it seems perfectly master of himself and others, in the grip of a sort of frenzy, you risk killing people until just before protected. The secondary characters are barely sketched and, what is worse, there is the tender between Abel and the female protagonist, Esther, you can only guess the ending theme. A little 'bit, since the end of the two reactions presuppose something more than just a professional respect. The same Esther then goes to hate vampires to seek dialogue with them within a half episode. Trinity Blood
In general it seems a bit 'a wasted opportunity. In this invasion of vampires, here we had available at least not setting granted, full of echoes of the Renaissance and a handful of non-innovative, but at least charismatic. We hope that after the last episode seems to presage the writers go through this anxiety to condense entire novels in 20-minute episode ...

Rating: 6 +