Friday, February 25, 2011

Shoulder Blades And Chest

Only A spoonful of sugar

being very prone to stress and paranoia, I have a whole series of remedies refined over time. The race as a physical outlet, writing for the mind. Sometimes, however, when the nights when you sleep just pile up, when if you put the computer for more than ten minutes you fall asleep, when to run would be tantamount to a kind of suicide, then takes the simple anti stress. The cakes are for that. Not (only) eat them, but also do it.
There must be something atavistic, written deep in the female genes, which means that when a salt pan on a sweet scent, the nerves relax and everything dies down and the two thousandth time someone swoops in at home ' Suddenly, you can not tear him to pieces, but accept it with a smile.
I'm not a great cook. I cheat. But that same satisfaction. Just so little, a compote of strawberries true (time preparation, 10 minutes) to put on the bottom of a glass transparent, over two layers of puddings of different colors (cream and cocoa, including those in the envelope) to garnish a fruit, a sprinkling of grated chocolate. Makes them feel self-satisfied. At peace with the world. And yet another unexpected guest (for various reasons in our house these days is a bit 'a sea port) can arrange comfortable couch. When he makes you compliments, you're even glad it's arrived (even if interrupted dinner, or a well-deserved rest).


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