Monday, February 28, 2011

Diablo 2 D2nt Bot Guide

Defects of the Persian

Saturday morning, we prepare a boiled dinner. The Persian, you know, eats only dry food and does not recognize the rest as food, except for the kebab spicy sauce, who knows what that awakens dormant atavistic instincts (an ancient Persian food?).
As he spreads the scent of boiled for home, however, we notice an unusual interest by the fur ball. Putting the meat in the pot here it is, in almost feline movements, jumping on a chair and stretched, nose quivering, after a few minutes of research, identifies the source of the scent. We are to respond to this momentary awakening under the fur of the cat: let us make him a taste 'of boiled meat, which discovers the existence of a whole culinary world independent of crunchy.
Easier said than done.
For Persian food is not habitual daily activities and relaxing, but a constant war against an elusive food. Devoid of face is, usually pushes the crunchy side of the bowl and then takes it from below when it falls. Maneuver complicated and unworkable with meat soggy and sticky. Not accustomed to receiving food from the hands, if he is offered, licks with delight, but do not try to grab it with his mouth. If the treat falls to the ground, it no longer status of food. She looks puzzled and then goes away. To taste something they need to have him raise his head up, make sure it has not only opened his mouth and pulled out the tongue and then gently lower a tiny piece, so it has time to distance themselves satisfied with the new flavor and bite . Five pieces of boiled, four fell to the ground.
We came to the conclusion that this beast will never spoil. It 's too hard for us and for him.


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