Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tatoos On The Vagiana

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Used Wood Stove For Sailboat

among the lost, show-projection Raffaella Milandri

A COMPLAINT IN SOLIDARITY 'Bushmen of the Kalahari AND INDIGENOUS AND TRIBAL "among the lost" by Raphael Milandre

"Among the lost"
is the exciting new exhibition of photography and projection Raffaella Milandri solo traveler.
will be held December 13 at 16:00 at the Municipal Auditorium in San Benedetto del Tronto. "It 's a photo-reportage, an important testimony gathered in Botswana which is a tribute of solidarity with the people of the Kalahari Bushmen and all indigenous peoples. With "Among the people lost," we also want to raise awareness Italian Parliament and the public in favor of ratifying ILO 169 in Italy, "says the author.
This report, accompanied by an interview-report on the situation of the Bushmen, is divided into three sections of Dante's pictures: Pictures of the Bushmen's ancestral land in its beauty (Paradise), the village of the Bushmen in the Kalahari with problems of survival (Purgatorio) and, finally, one of the fields of deportation (Hell).
"During my interview the woman Bushman, while recounting the vicissitudes of his people shall always there, a distant point where he wants to return: it is his ancestral land in the Kalahari desert," says Milandri, adding:
"The title has double meaning: the lost people are the Bushmen, dispersed and lost in their identity, but in Dante's sense are also the governments and multinationals, when they use a cruel power against defenseless people"
HISTORY of the Kalahari Bushmen
The Bushmen are one of the most ancient peoples of the earth: for over 30,000 years have lived in the Kalahari Desert. Of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in Botswana, has in fact been created in 1961 to protect their territory and their culture, based on hunting and on a life in harmony with nature. But by 1997 he started a real odyssey for this ancient people, after the discovery of rich diamond mines in their desert. Men, women, children, old people taken away by force on the truck, demolished villages, school and medical clinic closed, and finally destroyed water reservoirs and water wells closed.
After several deportations, today in the reserves were only about 300 Bushmen, all others are in resettlement camps. These 300 Bushmen have huge problems of survival and a very hard life: the government forbids them to go hunting, and were arrested if they do, the government forbids them to use water wells, and are forced to collect water from puddles in the sand and roots. prohibits Their life is hard.
"I visited the village in the desert, having won their sugar, milk, tea and tobacco, I take a tank of water out of the car and laid on the ground, in the middle of the circle of villagers sitting in the shade of one of the rare trees. And now, with a hierarchy and family that is obscure to me, appear tin cups that are filled and emptied slowly, in religious silence. Now I fully understand what it means to the water in the desert. I see it in their eyes, their faces powdered and dry lips. I ask a girl who speaks a little 'English where there is water, and she raises her arm, pointing to the west, far, far away .... The women wash clothes in basins with a little water and dense dark. The only water wells nearby (30 miles) have been closed and not allowed to dig new ones. "tells the Milandri.
Today, as the Bushmen are fighting for survival in the desert, the thousands who are
in the resettlement camps are victims of alcoholism, HIV, depression. Their unique and ancient culture in danger of disappearing forever. They're losing their identity and still waiting for the recognition of their human rights.
In 2006, the Bushmen won a long-due-to the government of Botswana, obtaining the right to live on their land, using water wells and to hunt for their food needs, but nothing after the ruling is changed. Every time they tried to return to their land, forced them to return in the resettlement camps.
E 'of 12 November 2009, a news reported by Canadian newspaper Globe and Mail: Bushman
a woman at a checkpoint, see the picture hanging on the President of Botswana Ian Kama and says that for her is a compliment: "It seems a Bushman. " The comment is considered an insult and a woman is brought to the police station, segregated for a day and a night, and forced to pay a fine. The appeal of Milandri:
"It 's urgent action now, people Bushman is really desperate, do not take it anymore. Some of the material in my show-projection has already been sent, together with documentation, to the Commissioner for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination UN. The Secretary in office has confirmed to me that the issue of the Bushmen will be examined within the first months of 2010. Let's hope so "I
The case of the Bushmen is, unfortunately, a drop in the bucket of discrimination, violence and abuse to which they were subject to indigenous and tribal peoples: Native Americans (from Apache to Inuit) , the Australian Aborigines, the Maori New Zealanders, South American Indians, African pygmies, and too-many-others.
About 300 million people worldwide are united by this fate, cultures and societies so special that should be World Heritage simple lifestyle in contact with nature.
For their part, only the request to be left on their land and be recognized as human beings, with their rights by governments and corporations, the unscrupulous greed of possession of land where there is wealth: diamonds, uranium , gold, oil, forests.
"Do not look at these people with sympathy only in films and documentaries where they tell their stories: they are human beings, real suffering. I saw the same pain and bewilderment in the eyes of the Inuit in Alaska, the Apaches in the United States, of the Aborigines in Australia, the Bushmen in Botswana. I witnessed cruel acts of racism and I've seen anywhere really inhuman treatment for those people who are only guilty of being simple and genuine. And at risk of extinction, "said Raffaella Milandri
the call and the message of the exhibition" Between the lost "is to support and advocate the ratification of Italy to the ILO 169, which is an international convention in support of indigenous peoples tribal.
"For Italy, which is already part of the ILO, an agency delll'ONU, since 1919, is a ratification that has no effect on the national reality. It 's just a gesture of solidarity that helps these people to be recognized in their dignity. On Facebook we have formed a group that has to Today about 2000 members, in order to urge the Minister Frattini to this ratification.
Milandri The initiative has found fertile ground in this campaign in San Benedetto del Tronto, where the City Council the Green Party-engine-in fact recently approved the motion for ratification of Italy to the ILO 169, which will now be sent to the President of the Republic and of the Council and relevant Ministries. The Councillor for Environmental Policy, Paul Canducci, promotes the show.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Black Truffle Prices Per Ounce



Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dora The Explorer Invitation Wording

Miss Summer 2009 Turin 2009

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Irrevocable Trust California

Me and ...

In this blog I talked about San Remo, songs and singers ... now just a few hour examination and whatever happens I will keep my blog up to date because the music, communications and people who always take part our active life ...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

How To Tie Double Ring Belt


Blueprint Riding Knee High

Photography humanitarian

E 'was like when you try to put together the ingredients for a new recipe.
I mixed my feelings and instincts and passions and I tried to find the my way. Passion for photography, travel solo, for the people, for the problems of countries and cultures in constant pain. Innate curiosity. Strong feelings against injustice. A part of me then has amassed an enormous empathy for the indigenous and tribal peoples. The people in distress and suffering in their freedom, culture, identity: the Australian Aborigines, the Maori New Zealanders, Americans and Canadian Eskimos, the South African San, Tibetans and many others. In many cases
exiled to reserves, after killings, abuses and genocide. Now
tragically undermined by alcohol, AIDS, suicide. Often ignored for power and money on their lands usurped oil, gold, diamonds, uranium. At the end
I realized that what I really wanted was to make photography an instrument of humanitarian aid. I can not combine commercial and humanitarian: I prefer to donate a picture to obtain money for charity.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lindsay Lohan Car Flash

The comic SANREMO

No, sorry, I'm not going down. I'm not going to be down given the ecological message to Al Bano. So began the monologue
Beppe Grillo at the Sanremo Festival. The year was 1989 (festival won dall'inedita couples and Anna Oxa Fausto Leali, "I'll let you") and breathed a strange atmosphere around Italy's Tangentopoli it would come three years later, would be the year of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Romanian revolution and the visit of Gorbachev to the Vatican . A historic year. In which, however, in Italy, was held in Sanremo, almost irrinunciabile.E appointment, as it is essential this event, we can not miss the stage of the Ariston action comedy. Antonio Cornacchione are taking place this year - as anticipated -, Blacks Marcoré Flavio Insinna, Ficarra and Picone, Max Tortora.Quell 'year, that 1989, in San Remo was, in fact, Beppe Grillo. Here, what better way to relive a bit 'Amarcord, review together and think how much time has passed since then, it appears to us anonymously this year 2007, with almost no personality, than the dreaded end of the eighties?

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"That was my point of reference": no doubt Pippo Baudo, dean of Italian television, recalling Mike Bongiorno, who died last night at the age of 85 years. "This year - said Baudo - celebrating 50 years of TV and I thought of an evening with Mike, it would not make any sense to celebrate my career without him." "I started this job - he says Baudo - always watching Mike. Indeed, I was a kid in the bar of the province to follow "Double or nothing": the fact he has become something of a rival honors me. And the rivalry between us was always a big game: we joked, it was convenient to both, as he often said. In fact we have also become great friends, which did not happen so often with colleagues. "Pippo," Bongiorno was the big star of Italian television, has created the myth of Italian TV, and I do not want the other players. How did time "Double or nothing", so did his passing era of field: when he went to Channel 5 gave the imprimatur, with his stamp of authority, the new TV commercial. And then the recent switch to Sky, at his age he had embraced as a third youth, had spent so much, he wanted to be on the battlefield. "" The idea of \u200b\u200bhanging up his boots was not in his nature: it is enough think of physical injury or who have never had and that mortified her vitality. The passion for this job, we do because we love him very much - he concludes Baudo - is an incurable disease. " (ANSA)
you think there is an heir television mike??

Friday, July 17, 2009

Navy Blue Damask Fabric


WELCOME to year 2000!
The year 2000, the new millennium, are for the Festival of Sanremo years, the "revolution" of the presenters. It was Fabio Fazio, 1999-2000, Raffaella Carra, (the lady of television) in 2001, and the return to the era Baudiana, 2002. Welcome return of all presenter nicknamed "Super Pippo" Pippo Baudo. The era
Fabio Fazio, has not been very lucky, it has two editions, 1999 and 2000. Criticism wasted, rivers of words. To the "lady" of television Raffaella Carra did not do better.
Sanremo, and his festival, which they say better or worse, remains, and is the most-watched show, with commentary, and beloved by the people not only Italian but especially foreign ones. The agni years show year after year, hundreds and hundreds of journalists from private television and radio media professionals who are accredited to monitor closely the singing competition ...

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Welcome to the 90s! The nineties, fired into the millennium, were the decade of many changes for the song event. Play-back was abolished, and the orchestras that accompanied the singers in the exhibition came again in vogue. Rivennero foreign singers on stage combined with fellow Italians, who brought in their own language patterns in the race. Also changed the juries were no longer those of recent years combined with the Totip of bettors. During the nineties changed once again, the foreign presence, which came back on stage just as foreign guests, the Orchestra was composed of 53 elements only force of renewal, which will be played live.
For the fortieth anniversary of the Festival, the event was moved to the mega structure Armea Valley, it was the (new flower market under construction) called Palafiori. It was considered a "madness" of the Patron Aragozzini Adriano, who managed to transform a large room empty, in a theater ready to collect five thousand people. The Patron was all against, saying he failed in that enterprise that seemed impossible, however, had to agree with him, in fact, invited and led, in the city of flowers, and songs, the great names of international music, and the event succeeded perfectly. The Italian song in recent years, traveled the world ...

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Welcome to the '80s!

The eighties were recorded for the revival of the Sanremo Festival.
In a sense, returned to take care of event, the feeling I was right professionals to get out of the darkness. With a general climate in the country, which was the same for the music. The people reacted, by putting aside the political commitment that maybe it was coercive. Deals more with the person. Then the event of commercial television was the spring that resulted in the competition.
also returned the characters of the Festival is produced more shows, and returned to speak again and the Sanremo Italian song, and not forgotten the phrase, "so you always know who will win the first Festival.
"The revival of the Festival of Sanremo, with the return of the big race of the Italian song, and the intervention of international guests, gave a little more to the event, which took possession of its function, the most important and imposing com'evento followed by the general public .. The television arrived and gave more space to the singing competition. ... There were other singers who decreed in the early eighties, their success ... Vasco Rossi, Zucchero, Loretta Goggi, Eros Ramazzotti ...

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Welcome to the '70s!

editions of the "Festival di Sanremo" of the 70 were determined by several events, unpleasant and protest. "For example" the 1972 edition include the strike of the singers. The young people then, or rather, their musical tastes were different, the indifference to the singing competition was sanctioned by the most challenging music genres. These were the years of color television, in nightclubs and the spread of "Saturday Night Fever." Italian culture was in evolution, there was the feminism.
The crisis was felt in San Remo, over several years, the festival was no longer the national event, and television showed little interest, as did the general public. The decade, remained imprinted as the lowest, insignificant for the musical manifestations of those years.
In 1977 there was a change of venue. The song event moved from the Municipal Casino, the Ariston Theatre in Via Matteotti, and Television aired the first Festival in color.
In 1979 there was a great event in San Remo, with the presence of international stars like Tina Turner and Kate Bush.
were the dark years. The Festival of the 70, however, produced the world of music, great singers of the Italian song, like Lucio Dalla, and what about the combination Mogol-Battisti, Mina triumphs, even though they did not tender singing. The year 1970 saw the birth of the Ligurian "The Rich and Poor" after their participation in the festival by 70 and 71, in fact, the group became more popular of Italy.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Poly Nyu Personal Statements


continue, after some rest and fun (thanks Denise) video ... but ...., minxxx OUR JOURNEY TO THE HISTORY OF MUSIC WITH THE ITALIAN FESTIVAL SANREMO ...

WE ARRIVED TO 60 YEARS .... The economic boom was changing ITALY, BUT THE PROBLEMS DID NOT ...

WELCOME to 60 years, the mythical Sixties - happy and carefree. Recall, the onset of Mina, which soon became the largest Italian singer and transgressive. Adriano Celentano, one of the "rocker" in our house. And then there was the birth of Cantagiro, who "dubbed" the great Italian music. The sixties, the Italian song, were decisive for the event Festivalbar, who managed to make the most of the jukebox. We also remember the birth of Disco for the summer, and the Festival of Roses. The jukebox is claimed new musical styles, so-called noisy and distracting, in fact, places where you could listen to the music were bars, casinos, night, so the demand was strong voices, immediately attracting the 'Listening to the public, so voices that were born to be remembered as the "screamers." In America they were famous, the "screamers" like Bill Haley and Elvis Presley.
not forget the "Songwriter," the most famous names are: Gino Paoli, Luigi Tenco, Umberto Bindi, Toby Lightman, Francesco De Andrè, Blanche Dubois, Ciampi, said the songwriters John Meccia .......... even intellectuals

Thursday, July 2, 2009

How Much Do Dune Buggies Weigh

Why Sanremo Sanremo but ....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Touch Screen Laptop 2010

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Beauty Salon Welcoming Letters

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Sunday, May 31, 2009

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Saturday, May 30, 2009

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