Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What To Do When Feeling Irritated

Hobbies buzzing

The men of the family easily stressed with work and need to relax with a hobby. Nothing wrong with that. Nik's dad is an avid fisherman, his beloved uncle of carpentry and is negotiating the purchase of two donkeys. Nik's brother decided to devote himself to music and thought of learning to play the trumpet on his own. If the violin by himself like a cat who are pounding the tail, the horn seems to be the lament of a large marine animal dying or very ill. However a few months there have been a master of the trumpet and the marine animal is a bit 'better.
Now is the turn of Nik. He wants something that will take him to relax and spend more time outdoors. Walking? Vigna? Orchard? No, beekeeping.
Bees, with their busy hum, it seems, are a remedy against stress and if it were to bite, it seems, in fact you are administering a preventive treatment for arthritis.
I was hoping they were very tiring to be cured, but it seems that, once addicted to their poison, of course, be very relaxing.
I was hoping at least cost much more expensive, but, alas, a swarm of bees is well within the reach of our pockets and is fabled, fill us with honey.
least I hoped that the law prevents us to keep them in the garden, but alas, the law is quite clear: it must be 5 meters from another property and be divided by a road by a barrier six feet tall.
At this point I was hoping at least the rest of the family disapproved of and focus towards Nik fishing, or donkeys, very rational, the trumpet, but, alas, the whole family of my husband's idea of \u200b\u200bthe arrival of happy buzzing bees . Uncle carpenter has produced some of their home, the trumpeter brother has offered to pay part of the costs and the fisherman father has decided to deal with the obstacle, all too happy that Nik had a hobby in their eyes and more understandable presentation of role-playing game (and this says a lot about what they think of role-playing game).
So it is time to place the bamboo fence two meters high. The idea was, also, to hide the sight of bees to the neighborhood, perhaps, might have disturbed the idea of \u200b\u200bthousands of small poisonous insects on our doorstep. Everywhere, however, the nosy neighbor came to snoop.
- What are you doing?
imperturbable, the father of Nik said:
- I use this piece of lawn for sunbathing nude. I would have taken that way, but my wife complained, so I have to cover the fence with the Mats.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Uti After Taking Plan B

Sometimes we remember ...

... To live in a beautiful place