Wednesday, March 16, 2011

05 Cobalt Remote Starter

Visions - movie of the week's stories

Hotel Woodstock

A boy came home to help his elderly parents in managing the family's ramshackle motel and became the president of the Chamber of Commerce dell'asfittico village. To liven up the environment, gets the approval for a music festival, thinking of a string quartet and a few local bands. However, when a neighboring country refuses to host a rock concert, groped the boy decides to hijack the organization to its common, thus starting the set of circumstances that give rise to the largest and most famous music event in history.
Hotel Woodstock film is a colorful and pleasant, optimistic as they must have been those moments. You breathe the idea that anything can happen, for example, that an elderly parent jew oppressed by a greedy wife will recover the love of life by organizing a concert, helped by a transsexual veteran, or that history can really make stage in the backyard.
A beautiful film with which to roll up the mood after seeing the news in recent days.
rating: 7:30

Prince of Persia

There is one thing that producers should understand. Somersaults, jumps and gymnastics are fun in a game, why is the player trying to make her the protagonist. Passively endured for tens of minutes bored. Or at least should be supported by a story. Here the characters have their own expressiveness and intelligence from Persian, meaning Persian cats, and who knows this blog know that is not a compliment.
The best actor is the ostrich in the role, on the other, the transvestite. Despite all the livery show clearly that it is a male, in fact, the characters continue to rivolgerglisi female ... Mysteries of the assembly.
Rating: 4


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