Monday, March 14, 2011

Heart Mur Mur In Puppy

interactive whiteboards

more or less precarious, while I and many others were leaving the school, entered the interactive whiteboards, great pride of all ministers. Not to fleets, mind you, in our area the average is one per school.
two years have passed since then, where I continued to haunt the schools, now more precarious precarious now as "outside expert". And the interactive whiteboard?
Very few have the depth refresher course responsible for the teaching of using the amazing half. In some schools, the board has directly been in storage because he was not a suitable wall to place it. In others, have created problems with the electrical system. In other ... In short, in two years I have never used the interactive whiteboard, and I've only heard tale by others, who had not used in first person, the phantasmagoric effects.
Until Friday.
Friday I come to school as an "outside expert" and I explain that I have a Power Point presentation to be projected. No problem, she says the officer, we have the interactive whiteboard.
opening the door full of expectations of the class. I think my mind, in fact, had worked a bit 'too fancy and my idea was to find myself in front of a mega IPad wall. But it was a screen. Yeah. Un bello schermo, intendiamoci, attaccato alla parete, ma che necessitava comunque di un computer di collegamento. Insomma, una qualsiasi tv avrebbe svolto lo stesso scopo.
Ora io spero e mi auguro che queste lavagne interattive abbiano ben altri utilizzi di quelli che io ho visto. In caso contrario mi chiedo: con le scuole che, letteralmente, cadono a pezzi, erano proprio necessarie? Non bastavano delle vecchie tv ?


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