Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Motorola Mobile Phone Tools 4.5.6a

Issues principles

It took me a few days to assimilate the latest pronouncements of our leaders on the school and on teachers "inculcate principles other than those of families."
Beyond the bad word choice (I teach, I struggled to inculcate four basic rules of grammar, let alone the principles) and the clear intention of creating a further rift between society and the world of school, I asked myself another application. The principles that the school and teachers are not necessarily those of the foster families?
My grandfather did in the third grade. His was one of those families because they could not study a waste of time. The little children, barely able to work, they had to do, to help support the family. The teachers, or teacher, must have principles different. With my grandfather could not make you change your mind to parents, but with his brother, my uncle, have been imposed. He studied, became in turn the teacher and mayor of the town, old age, it seems his parents, my great-grandparents, doting on him.
In the economic boom of the school was among the first institutions to talk about environmental protection. While the fathers thought only to work and earn more money, the children gradually learned to respect the world in which they lived. The situation in Italy is not yet ideal, but certainly most of what little environmental consciousness that is entered into the head of the Italians through the school, when families were thinking of something else.
And today?
not only the TV to pass the idea that counts more luck, or physical appearance, that the commitment, are also parents who play lottery, fathers who push their daughters into the world of spettaccolo , mothers obsessed with thinness and beauty that end up obsessed with her daughters. The school, however, has the duty to promote the merits.
This is not to say that some parents and teachers are all bad all the saints. Except that sometimes it is physiological, and even just that the principles that passes the school are not exactly those that pass the family.
The school should increase the values \u200b\u200bpromoted by the state, useful to make the boys are not good children, but also good citizens. Should somehow be a bulwark against the errors of some parents. Often the values \u200b\u200bof a society and then those families have changed thanks to the school, it follows that, at the beginning of the process, the values \u200b\u200bof the family and the school was different.


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