Friday, March 18, 2011

No Load Fund X Review

Visions - Rank

A cute little animal used to live in captivity is thrown out from its environment and must learn to cope. How many animated films we've seen with this plot?
Rango, however, is a film that really knows how to innovate without leave (too) from a traditional plot. We start with an incipit metacinematografico with our chameleon nameless, surrounded by inanimate objects, which holds forth about the meaning of the narrative and the role of the hero. The whole film in fact does nothing but play on the theater and the narrative schemes. A chorus of owls, as in Greek tragedy, in its own way stresses the joints narrative (in fact, owls gufano), the "spirit of the west", loaded with Oscar, the protagonist explains how each one is imprisoned by the boundaries its history and can only continue to play the character that has been assigned.
What really surprised, though, are the constant visual inventions, dreamlike moments that seem to come out of surrealist paintings, a whole population of animals is not as nice and tender in 90% of animated films, but unusual and disturbing, never obvious or free quotations.
Rank is a film that is hardly surprising, perhaps not suitable for children, since the beginning frankly disturbing images and some surprising, but worth a viewing by anyone else.

Rating: 8 +


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