Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What To Do When Feeling Irritated

Hobbies buzzing

The men of the family easily stressed with work and need to relax with a hobby. Nothing wrong with that. Nik's dad is an avid fisherman, his beloved uncle of carpentry and is negotiating the purchase of two donkeys. Nik's brother decided to devote himself to music and thought of learning to play the trumpet on his own. If the violin by himself like a cat who are pounding the tail, the horn seems to be the lament of a large marine animal dying or very ill. However a few months there have been a master of the trumpet and the marine animal is a bit 'better.
Now is the turn of Nik. He wants something that will take him to relax and spend more time outdoors. Walking? Vigna? Orchard? No, beekeeping.
Bees, with their busy hum, it seems, are a remedy against stress and if it were to bite, it seems, in fact you are administering a preventive treatment for arthritis.
I was hoping they were very tiring to be cured, but it seems that, once addicted to their poison, of course, be very relaxing.
I was hoping at least cost much more expensive, but, alas, a swarm of bees is well within the reach of our pockets and is fabled, fill us with honey.
least I hoped that the law prevents us to keep them in the garden, but alas, the law is quite clear: it must be 5 meters from another property and be divided by a road by a barrier six feet tall.
At this point I was hoping at least the rest of the family disapproved of and focus towards Nik fishing, or donkeys, very rational, the trumpet, but, alas, the whole family of my husband's idea of \u200b\u200bthe arrival of happy buzzing bees . Uncle carpenter has produced some of their home, the trumpeter brother has offered to pay part of the costs and the fisherman father has decided to deal with the obstacle, all too happy that Nik had a hobby in their eyes and more understandable presentation of role-playing game (and this says a lot about what they think of role-playing game).
So it is time to place the bamboo fence two meters high. The idea was, also, to hide the sight of bees to the neighborhood, perhaps, might have disturbed the idea of \u200b\u200bthousands of small poisonous insects on our doorstep. Everywhere, however, the nosy neighbor came to snoop.
- What are you doing?
imperturbable, the father of Nik said:
- I use this piece of lawn for sunbathing nude. I would have taken that way, but my wife complained, so I have to cover the fence with the Mats.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Uti After Taking Plan B

Sometimes we remember ...

... To live in a beautiful place

Friday, March 18, 2011

No Load Fund X Review

Visions - Rank

A cute little animal used to live in captivity is thrown out from its environment and must learn to cope. How many animated films we've seen with this plot?
Rango, however, is a film that really knows how to innovate without leave (too) from a traditional plot. We start with an incipit metacinematografico with our chameleon nameless, surrounded by inanimate objects, which holds forth about the meaning of the narrative and the role of the hero. The whole film in fact does nothing but play on the theater and the narrative schemes. A chorus of owls, as in Greek tragedy, in its own way stresses the joints narrative (in fact, owls gufano), the "spirit of the west", loaded with Oscar, the protagonist explains how each one is imprisoned by the boundaries its history and can only continue to play the character that has been assigned.
What really surprised, though, are the constant visual inventions, dreamlike moments that seem to come out of surrealist paintings, a whole population of animals is not as nice and tender in 90% of animated films, but unusual and disturbing, never obvious or free quotations.
Rank is a film that is hardly surprising, perhaps not suitable for children, since the beginning frankly disturbing images and some surprising, but worth a viewing by anyone else.

Rating: 8 +

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Alabama Football Helmet Number 12

Happy Birthday, Italy

And I'm 150!
For a state, 150 years is to be just entered adolescence, the fact that, in fact, explains many things.
We hope to grow quickly.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

05 Cobalt Remote Starter

Visions - movie of the week's stories

Hotel Woodstock

A boy came home to help his elderly parents in managing the family's ramshackle motel and became the president of the Chamber of Commerce dell'asfittico village. To liven up the environment, gets the approval for a music festival, thinking of a string quartet and a few local bands. However, when a neighboring country refuses to host a rock concert, groped the boy decides to hijack the organization to its common, thus starting the set of circumstances that give rise to the largest and most famous music event in history.
Hotel Woodstock film is a colorful and pleasant, optimistic as they must have been those moments. You breathe the idea that anything can happen, for example, that an elderly parent jew oppressed by a greedy wife will recover the love of life by organizing a concert, helped by a transsexual veteran, or that history can really make stage in the backyard.
A beautiful film with which to roll up the mood after seeing the news in recent days.
rating: 7:30

Prince of Persia

There is one thing that producers should understand. Somersaults, jumps and gymnastics are fun in a game, why is the player trying to make her the protagonist. Passively endured for tens of minutes bored. Or at least should be supported by a story. Here the characters have their own expressiveness and intelligence from Persian, meaning Persian cats, and who knows this blog know that is not a compliment.
The best actor is the ostrich in the role, on the other, the transvestite. Despite all the livery show clearly that it is a male, in fact, the characters continue to rivolgerglisi female ... Mysteries of the assembly.
Rating: 4

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Mount A Scope To A Bb Gun

We Onda

Considering the bad news that the world will follow, I wanted to share a nice, even if tiny.

From yesterday STORIES IN ONDA WE are on the first page of the Podcast Apple
no longer among the notable new but among Not to be missed!

In practice, we shared the place with Beppe Grillo, Luciana Littizzetto.

The first effect was a spike in downloads of STORIES in one day yesterday:

124 downloads in 24 hours!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Heart Mur Mur In Puppy

interactive whiteboards

more or less precarious, while I and many others were leaving the school, entered the interactive whiteboards, great pride of all ministers. Not to fleets, mind you, in our area the average is one per school.
two years have passed since then, where I continued to haunt the schools, now more precarious precarious now as "outside expert". And the interactive whiteboard?
Very few have the depth refresher course responsible for the teaching of using the amazing half. In some schools, the board has directly been in storage because he was not a suitable wall to place it. In others, have created problems with the electrical system. In other ... In short, in two years I have never used the interactive whiteboard, and I've only heard tale by others, who had not used in first person, the phantasmagoric effects.
Until Friday.
Friday I come to school as an "outside expert" and I explain that I have a Power Point presentation to be projected. No problem, she says the officer, we have the interactive whiteboard.
opening the door full of expectations of the class. I think my mind, in fact, had worked a bit 'too fancy and my idea was to find myself in front of a mega IPad wall. But it was a screen. Yeah. Un bello schermo, intendiamoci, attaccato alla parete, ma che necessitava comunque di un computer di collegamento. Insomma, una qualsiasi tv avrebbe svolto lo stesso scopo.
Ora io spero e mi auguro che queste lavagne interattive abbiano ben altri utilizzi di quelli che io ho visto. In caso contrario mi chiedo: con le scuole che, letteralmente, cadono a pezzi, erano proprio necessarie? Non bastavano delle vecchie tv ?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

North Carolina Dl Illegal Immigrant

idle Sunday

La pioggia scende... Il gatto dorme...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Enlarged Spleen Causes More Condition_symptoms

Bread Punto Radio!

Domani sera il tema del programma Siamo in Onda di Punto Radio sarĂ  il pane.

Come di consueto, a narrare storie relative the theme of the evening, there will be some short stories, including my own:

Food color of the clouds

Tales Onda We are also downloadable as an audio file by Apple Store.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pet Diagnosis Lip Discoloration

The Unknown Island, section 6 - Part Two

on "Stories from the Thousand Worlds" find the second part of Chapter 6 of "The Unknown Island."

Monday, March 7, 2011

Size 8 Soccer Cleats For Toddler

The cashier who was reading the newspaper

I'm always going to be spending when there are less people as possible, the top of the top on Monday lunchtime.
spending, for me, is a kind of war fought with every weapon available against the increase prices. Read and record the leaflets of the offers, the better to head to the hunting grounds (the supermarket) that week more promising. Once there, happy as a wild boar rooting in Palta, losing time to compare prices, read the latest deals, look carefully at the lists of ingredients. If you are undecided about the two products the first parameter is the price, then slide the ingredients to see which has less additives if there is still a tie, step to the expiration date. To do this I need a supermarket quiet and peaceful, even better desert.
supermarket desert course means a few open crates and bumbling cashier. Of course, if a cashier is the first day of work or has clearly been a bit 'inept know we can not slam on Saturday afternoon, where flooding around the supermarket. The work we do on Monday lunchtime.
Now I know, I arrive at the cash resigned. There will be those willing to try to fill the bags with a logic all its own (like the fish with the underwear and the super-corrosive detergent with strawberries), what is wrong to press the buttons, the one that breaks the bag of milk, spreading on all the shopping ...
Today I caught the supreme curse. The teller who reads the newspaper.
Not his, mine. Pass it as the first item, but then do not spring to the bagging area, if he keeps it and if you read slowly and lazily feeds the other articles. If you point out that the newspaper is yours and that you, technically, is working, wrong answers, as if his right to free ride read the newspaper to a customer during working hours. And it's not spring until he has finished browsing.
I had already found it, but I, alas, no character and we are falling back. My copy of "La Stampa" has been clawed open with taste and enjoyment of the local news, a hand to make the rest of the work. Having no desire to make a scene like last time (which, obviously, did not change anything), I waited patiently, calmly bagged my stuff. What I had not calculated is that it is impossible to do their jobs well by carefully reading the local news. Something inevitably escapes. In fact, when I say the total to pay, it seems a bit 'high (remember, I'm a maniac for product selection), but in fact today I bought some' extra ... There may be. Only when I receive a receipt notice that the card that entitles you to discounts is not struck, not only, receipt, mocking, it reminds me that if I had the card I would have saved € 6.98.
I try to complain, but it is useless, I should first noticing me, not that she was reading the newspaper, which were displayed on the display card member discounts!
I'm so speechless that I can not even argue ...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Harley Davidson Crib Bedding

time eating contests

Spring is coming and days are getting longer, butterflies and pollen in the air and fly back to back even the literary contests.
For lovers of fantasy, expires on March 15 RILL Trophy, a competition for fantastic tales. E 'instead set at the end of this month IoScrittore , novels tournament organized by the English group (which includes Corbaccio, Ponte delle Grazie, Salani, TEA and North). Finally, I know, the more nebulous contract Through , competition for plots of novels RADIO 1.
For me, I will try to attend all three (The only fee should be RILL, but with a fee of € 10 is very accessible).

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Free Online Gay Games


difficult to define what job I do now. Sometimes I have to make paintings using fruits and vegetables, sometimes I have to invent scientific experiments, sometimes simply prepare envelopes and folded copies. Sometimes it is necessary to prepare the books to eat.
Books that are eaten. Cakes shaped like a book.
Today I started to experiment. Sponge cake with cream to prepare, and marzipan. On paper, starting from marzipan and sponge cake already, I had to spend half an hour. I started at 15.00 and finished at 17.00. On the table actually a cake resembling a book. All around a jumble of pieces of sponge cake, icing sugar, cocoa, chocolate cream. A battlefield is probably one aspect tidier ...
However I'm pretty sure that now rests in my fridge a grade book. Tomorrow I will tell you if it is worth also worth eating ...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Transfer Boat Licence From Queensland To N.s.w

punctual as death or taxes

I do not make the teacher more, but tomorrow I have to go to lecture in the first hour. E 'in March. Yet, as punctual as the taxes in a healthy state financially, came the snow.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Motorola Mobile Phone Tools 4.5.6a

Issues principles

It took me a few days to assimilate the latest pronouncements of our leaders on the school and on teachers "inculcate principles other than those of families."
Beyond the bad word choice (I teach, I struggled to inculcate four basic rules of grammar, let alone the principles) and the clear intention of creating a further rift between society and the world of school, I asked myself another application. The principles that the school and teachers are not necessarily those of the foster families?
My grandfather did in the third grade. His was one of those families because they could not study a waste of time. The little children, barely able to work, they had to do, to help support the family. The teachers, or teacher, must have principles different. With my grandfather could not make you change your mind to parents, but with his brother, my uncle, have been imposed. He studied, became in turn the teacher and mayor of the town, old age, it seems his parents, my great-grandparents, doting on him.
In the economic boom of the school was among the first institutions to talk about environmental protection. While the fathers thought only to work and earn more money, the children gradually learned to respect the world in which they lived. The situation in Italy is not yet ideal, but certainly most of what little environmental consciousness that is entered into the head of the Italians through the school, when families were thinking of something else.
And today?
not only the TV to pass the idea that counts more luck, or physical appearance, that the commitment, are also parents who play lottery, fathers who push their daughters into the world of spettaccolo , mothers obsessed with thinness and beauty that end up obsessed with her daughters. The school, however, has the duty to promote the merits.
This is not to say that some parents and teachers are all bad all the saints. Except that sometimes it is physiological, and even just that the principles that passes the school are not exactly those that pass the family.
The school should increase the values \u200b\u200bpromoted by the state, useful to make the boys are not good children, but also good citizens. Should somehow be a bulwark against the errors of some parents. Often the values \u200b\u200bof a society and then those families have changed thanks to the school, it follows that, at the beginning of the process, the values \u200b\u200bof the family and the school was different.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Steps On Masterbateing

Books Lake

What's better for a Saturday afternoon that a good snack? Add to the beautiful snack, strictly based on home-made cakes, light the library of a house with garden in a village on the shores of Lake Orta. To all this add a friendly discussion on reading non-trivial.
you attracted? All
This is BOOKS OF LAKE, snacks with literary authors organized ecomuseum of Lake Orta and Mottarone.
This month, March 19, at 16 to Fara House in Via Fara Pettenasco (NO), there are two special readings.

The first and Jonah MARTINI, comic book written by Alex Crippa. We are in Italy during the decades, of course, on Lake Orta and a priest in vocations crisis has to investigate a possible miracle. A solid story, well told, which uses the environment offered by the lake Orta in a surprising way.

The second reading is our phoenix, that this number is compared with the Chaos.

We expect many armed with cakes and biscuits!